
Azriel Ferro

Azriel’s journey as a yogi began in India 17 years ago where she spent 5 months living in ashrams; diving deep into the world of yoga and meditation. She then undertook early morning courses with the illustrious Gertrude St Yoga and spent an intensive month at a Yoga Retreat in Mexico, learning and practising Hridaya Yoga, which translates as spiritual heart yoga. She eventually completed her 200hrs YTT with Summer Healing Yoga here in Melbourne. Her passion and exploration in yoga also include studies in trauma informed, restorative and yin yoga.

Azriel is an advanced level mindfulness instructor accredited in mindfulness based stillness meditation. She is also certified in Mindful Self Compassion and has been teaching meditation since 2007.
To Half Moon Temple she brings a rich depth of embodied experience and teachings with 450hrs of yoga teacher training and over 1000hrs of meditation training. Her classes are restorative and nurturing and she passionately shares her devotion to the practice from the heart; bringing together the elements of mindfulness with the asana.

Sean Thompson

Teaching for over 10 years now  Sean first came to yoga to balance his body from working as a carpenter. It wasn’t long before Sean decided to do his yoga teacher training and start to share the benefits with others. You may already know Sean as the founder and owner of North Yoga, an amazing and successful yoga studio that operated for 8 years in Brunswick, Melbourne.
Sean’s classes encourage a calm approach to yoga and space to feel into the benefits physically, mentally and spiritually. At the same time reassuring the ability of the student and feeding the subconscious with positive affirmations.

Emily Jennings-Donhardt

Hey there, lovely soul.
I’m Emily, your go-to gal for all things breathwork here at Half Moon Temple. Certified as a trauma-informed breathwork facilitator I am passionate about guiding you through an intentional and healing breathwork session to help your inner highest and best self shine through.
I dove headfirst into a 9-month intensive training to become an inspiration for the power of breathwork. I’m also a total animal lover, a big foodie, and an adventurer at heart.
It is my goal to take you through breathwork, assist you in breathing out any limiting beliefs, old stories and any stuck and stored energy that are holding you back. So then, you can breath in peace and connect with your inner divine nature, back to love and your fullest, shiniest and juiciest expression, so you can shine all your good juicy energy on the world and improve your life tenfold! Breathwork has changed my life and I am so excited for you to experience it’s magic.
So, let’s breathe, let’s laugh, and let’s grow together on this incredible journey we call life. Can’t wait to connect with each and every one of you in our yoga and breathwork haven! Namaste

Indra-Kaye Staunton

Indra-Kaye’s yoga journey started in 2012 when she looked at her yoga teacher and thought to herself: “She has the best job in the world!”. Despite nearly fainting in her third class, something about the way she felt after class kept drawing her back to practice. Fast forward ten years and the opportunity arose for Indra-Kaye to undertake her teacher training and she now teaches a combination of Hatha and Hot yoga on a beginner to intermediate level. One of her favourite parts of the job is getting creative with sequences and watching her lovely, dedicated clients make progress with their practice.

Indra-Kaye’s goal as a yoga teacher is to share the teachings of yoga in a considerate and attentive manner and to break down the stigma that yoga is exclusive to a certain type of individual. Her classes offer a thematic flow that focuses on breath-body connection, mindfulness and inclusivity. Each class ends with a guided relaxation to help you fully assimilate your practice.

Ash Brown

After sustaining a career ending injury representing the Australian National Soccer, Ashley discovered the practice of yoga and the power of mindfulness training. Since then, she has traveled the world undertaking various yoga and meditation teacher trainings. She has a passion for both mindful movement & stillness meditations weaved with yogic philosophy shared through both strong & gentle asana, poetic language and self inquiry. She hopes to share her love of yoga so it can help others the way it has helped and transformed her life.

Hope Windon

Drawing from her background in dance, Hope weaves purposeful sequencing, dynamic transitions and fluid movement to facilitate a deeper connection to self. Hope’s classes are experiential, rhythmic and vibrant. She utilises rich breath practices with mindful movement to harmonise the whole body, open the heart and develop spaciousness. Hope believes in the importance of curiosity and challenging the mind and body to further self growth and build self compassion.

Hope has trained extensively since completing her 200hr YTT, in intelligent sequencing, modern anatomy and advanced asana, pranayama and meditation, embodied flow and tantric energetic practices as well as pre/postnatal. She has been blessed to learn from teachers like Cassie Lee, Sally Kempton, Annie Carpenter, Patty Townsend, Scott Lyons, Rod Stryker, Octavio Salvador, Tahl Rinsky + Bess Prescott, Nicky Grimsdale.

Jaari Heyes

My teaching style has developed from my deep appreciation for intentional movement, breath and mindfulness, designed to empower and nurture individuals each time they meet their mat. My teaching and personal practise is also heaving inspired by the environment and the natural world, where I weave this into my classes.

Matilda Moore

Having trained under some of the worlds most influential modern Yoga Teachers, Matilda brings fourth a profound understanding to lead transformative yoga.  Her dedication to fostering meaningful student-teacher connections is palpable, reflecting her genuine care and commitment to those under her guidance.  Inherently equipped to move practitioners toward their unique edge, Matildas’ classes invite exploration of yogas sensory dimensions and its profound impact on the nervous system, opening pathways to inner tranquility.

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